Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
C2_pid_range 41CA PID Rng PID range. R/W Float 64
C2_pid_manual_reset 41CB PID MR PID manual reset. Static output (%) when Setpoint is equal to the measured value. R/W Float 64
C2_pid_i_time 41CC PID I time PID I time. R/W Float 64
C2_pid_d_time 41CD PID D time PID D time. 0 (zero) for off. R/W Float 64
C2_sim_dig_value 41CE Contact Digital simulate contact. R/W Enum 64
C2_sim_ana_value 41CF Percentage Analog simulate contact. R/W Float 64
C2_analog_output_type 41D0 Analog output Analog output type. R/W Enum 64
C2_dc_period_time 41D1 DC time Duty cycle time. R/W Float 64
C2_max_pulse_frequency 41D2 Max freq Maximum pulse frequency. R/W Float 64
C2_expire_time 41D3 Expire time If the output is outside it’s range for longer than the expire time, the output will return to 0%. 0 (zero) for off. R/W Float 64
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class