Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
C1_route_ai_channel 42F8 Param R/W Enum 64
C2_pid_direction 41C0 PID Dir PID direction. R/W Enum 64
C2_contact_status_w 41C2 Status R BitEnum 64
C2_contact_type 41C1 Type Configure contact to a specific type. R/W Enum 64
C2_contact_function 41C3 Func Configure type to a specific function. R/W Enum 64
C2_alarm_setpoint 41C4 Alarm SP Alarm setpoint. R/W Float 64
C2_alarm_direction 41C6 Alarm dir. Alarm direction. R/W Enum 64
C2_alarm_hysteresis 41C7 Alarm hyst. Alarm hysteresis. R/W Float 64
C2_alarm_delay_time 41C8 Alarm delay Alarm delay time. R/W Float 64
C2_pid_setpoint 41C9 PID SP PID setpoint. R/W Float 64
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class