Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
M2_simulation_percentage 424C Percentage Simulation percentage. R/W Float 64
M2_hold_fixed_value 424D mA2 fixed Fixed output value. R/W Float 64
M2_burn 424E Burn If error occur, burn set output to low or high. R/W Enum 64
M2_linear_0 424F Lin 0% Linear 0%. R/W Float 64
M2_linear_100 4250 Lin 100% Linear 100%. R/W Float 64
M2_ma_percentage 4251 mA2 perc Output percentage. R Float 66
M2_ma_value 4252 mA2 value Output value. R Float 66
M2_calculation_unit 4246 M2.unit Calculation unit. R Enum 66
M2_expire_time 4253 Expire time If the output is outside it’s range for longer than the expire time, the output will return to 0%. 0 (zero) for off. R/W Float 64
M2_route_ai_channel 42FD Param R/W Enum 64
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class