Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
error_config_22 4032 1st comp mtrx R/W Enum 32
error_config_25 4033 Cal time exc R/W Enum 32
calib_timer_interval 4034 Cal interval R/W Unsigned 32
stabilization_time 4035 Stab time R/W Unsigned 32
air_adjust_control 4036 Start air adjust R/W Enum 32
air_adjust_value 4037 Air adjust offset R/W Float 32
air_adjust_limit 4038 Air adjust limit R/W Float 32
nominal_cell_const 4039 Fact CC R/W Float 32
cell_const_hi_limit 403A CC hi lim. R/W Float 32
cell_const_lo_limit 403B CC lo lim. R/W Float 32
cond_hi_limit 403C R/W Float 32
cond_lo_limit 403D R/W Float 32
aifb1_pv_value 403E PV R Float 34
aifb1_xd_scale_unit 403F PV.range_units R Enum 32
aifb2_pv_value 4040 SV R Float 34
aifb2_xd_scale_unit 4041 SV.range_units R Enum 32
aifb3_pv_value 4042 TV R Float 34
aifb3_xd_scale_unit 4043 TV.range_units R Enum 32
w3_st_rev 4044 st_rev R Unsigned 66
w3_mode_blk_target 4045 Output Target mode Set mode to OOS to be able to read & write parameters. If mode is set to AUTO parameters can be read only R/W Enum 64
w3_mode_blk_actual 4046 Actual mode R Enum 66
hold_01 4047 HOLD 0/1 R/W Enum 64
hold_lf 4048 HOLD L/F R/W Enum 64
hold_during_cal 4049 HOLD during cal R/W Enum 64
date_time_year 404A Year R/W Unsigned 2050
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class