Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
analog1_span_adjust 40C5 Analog 1 Span R/W Float 2048
analog2_zero_adjust 40C6 Analog 2 Zero R/W Float 2048
analog2_span_adjust 40C7 Analog 2 Span R/W Float 2048
slug_alarm_sel 40C8 Slug alarm select R/W Enum 2048
slug_criteria 40C9 Slug criteria R/W Float 2048
slug_duration 40CA Slug duration R/W Float 2048
slug_after_slug 40CB After slug R/W Enum 2048
drive_gain_damp 40CC Drive gain damping R/W Float 2048
empty_alarm_sel 40CD Empty pipe alm sel R/W Enum 2048
empty_after_empty 40CE After empty pipe R/W Enum 2048
empty_criteria 40CF Empty pipe crit R/W Float 2048
corros_alarm_sel 40D0 Corrosion alm sel R/W Enum 2048
corros_criteria 40D1 Corrosion crit R/W Float 2048
corros_damping 40D2 Corrosion damp R/W Float 2048
enable_write_password 40D3 Enable wrt password R/W PackedAscii 2048
new_password 40D4 New_password Type in new password, up to 8 characters are allowed R/W PackedAscii 2048
joker_passwd_log 40D5 Software seal R Enum 2048
rota_password 40D6 ROTA password Manufacturers password, for service use W PackedAscii 2048
password_input_code 40D7 Password code Type in the correct user password, if no password is defined yet, type all spaces W Enum 2048
tokuchu_input_code 428D tokuchu code Type in the correct user password, if no password is defined yet, type all spaces W Enum 2048
accept_code 40D8 Service menu TBD by ROTA R Enum 2048
sensor_model 40D9 Sensor model Actual sensor model R/W Enum 2048
sk20_constant 40DA SK20 Massflow calibration constant R/W Float 8
skt_constant 40DB SKT SKT calibration constant R/W Float 8
sktk_constant 42F4 SKTK SK 20 temp. correction squared R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class