Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
matrix_t3 4040 Matrix T3 Matrix 3rd temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix_t4 4041 Matrix T4 Matrix 4th temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix_t5 4042 Matrix T5 Matrix 5th temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix_sel 403E Matr.sel Selecting predefined matrix for temperature compensation R/W Enum 2050
matrix1_1 4043 M1_1 Matrix 1st value at 1st temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix1_2 4044 M1_2 Matrix 2nd value at 1st temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix1_3 4045 M1_3 Matrix 3rd value at 1st temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix1_4 4046 M1_4 Matrix 4th value at 1st temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix1_5 4047 M1_5 Matrix 5th value at 1st temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix2_1 4048 M2_1 Matrix 1st value at 2nd temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix2_2 4049 M2_2 Matrix 2nd value at 2nd temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix2_3 404A M2_3 Matrix 3rd value at 2nd temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix2_4 404B M2_4 Matrix 4th value at 2nd temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix2_5 404C M2_5 Matrix 5th value at 2nd temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix3_1 404D M3_1 Matrix 1st value at 3rd temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix3_2 404E M3_2 Matrix 2nd value at 3rd temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix3_3 404F M3_3 Matrix 3rd value at 3rd temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix3_4 4050 M3_4 Matrix 4th value at 3rd temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix3_5 4051 M3_5 Matrix 5th value at 3rd temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix4_1 4052 M4_1 Matrix 1st value at 4th temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix4_2 4053 M4_2 Matrix 2nd value at 4th temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix4_3 4054 M4_3 Matrix 3rd value at 4th temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix4_4 4055 M4_4 Matrix 4th value at 4th temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix4_5 4056 M4_5 Matrix 5th value at 4th temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix5_1 4057 M5_1 Matrix 1st value at 5th temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix5_2 4058 M5_2 Matrix 2nd value at 5th temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix5_3 4059 M5_3 Matrix 3rd value at 5th temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix5_4 405A M5_4 Matrix 4th value at 5th temperature R/W Float 2050
matrix5_5 405B M5_5 Matrix 5th value at 5th temperature R/W Float 2050
wperc_0 405C 0% Weight The 0% weight indication value R/W Float 2050
wperc_100 405D 100% Weight The 100% weight indication value R/W Float 2050
transmitter_sec 405E Sec. Second value in transmitter R/W Float 2050
transmitter_min 405F Min. Minute value in transmitter R/W Float 2050
transmitter_hrs 4060 Hrs. Hour value in transmitter R/W Float 2050
transmitter_day 4061 Day. Day value in transmitter R/W Float 2050
transmitter_month 4062 Mth. Month value in transmitter R/W Float 2050
transmitter_year 4063 Yr. Year value in transmitter R/W Float 2050
passcode_maint 4064 Maintenance Passcode for maintenance level in ISC202 Possible values: 0, 111, 333, 777, 888, 123, 957, 331, 546, 847 R/W Float 256
passcode_comm 4065 Commissioning Passcode for commisioning access in ISC202 Possible values: 0, 111, 333, 777, 888, 123, 957, 331, 546, 847 R/W Float 256
passcode_serv 4066 Service Passcode for service access in ISC202 Possible values: 0, 111, 333, 777, 888, 123, 957, 331, 546, 847 R/W Float 256
e6lim 4067 E6 lim. Limit for E6 (Conductivity too low) R/W Float 2050
e5lim 4068 E5 lim. Limit for E5 (Conductivity too high) R/W Float 2050
sc_temp_sensor 4069 Temp.sens Selection of the temperature compensation sensor R/W Enum 1024
sc_auto_return 406A Auto.Ret When Auto-return is ON, the converter reverts to the measuring mode from anywhere in the configuration menu, when no button is pressed during the set time interval of 10 minutes R/W Enum 1024
sc_percent 401C Percent When Percent by weight is ON, the 0% and 100% points can be entered R/W Enum 1024
sc_ma_burn 406B Burn func. Diagnostic error messages can signal a problem by sending the output signals upscale or downscale (22mA or 3.9mA). The Pulse burnout setting gives a 22mA signal for the first 30 seconds of an alarm condition. After the pulse the signal returns to normal to activate a latching alarm R/W Enum 1024
sc_hold_enabled 4022 Hold fnc. Enable or disable of the HOLD feature R/W Enum 1024
sc_hold_type 4023 Hold type Sets the Hold function to Last measured value or Fixed value. R/W Enum 1024
sc_hold_status 406C Hold status Sets the mA-output of the instrument in hold. No influence from the process anymore The HOLD feature must first be enabled R/W Enum 1024
sc_temp_unit 406D Temp.unit Celsius or Fahrenheit scales to suit user preference R/W Enum 1024
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class