Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ag_select_mode 4055 A/G Select Absolute/gauge selection- Type of Static pressure variable. R/W Enum 2048
atm_pres_value 4056 Atm. Pres Value Atmospheric Pressure Value- Sets the coefficient value used for the conversion of the measured absolute pressure value into gauge pressure value. R/W Float 2048
sp_hl_select 404D SP H/L Select Static Pressure High/Low Select- Measuring point of the static pressure; high pressure side or low pressure side. R/W Enum 2048
amp_temp_value 405A Amp temp Amp Temperature R Float 10
temperature_units 405B Temp Unit Field Device Variable Unit- Digital unit that the variable will be displayed with. Sensor Temperature- Temperature associated with the sensor that is responsible for a process measurement. R/W Enum 8
bi_dir_mode 4019 Bi-dir mode Bi-directional flow measurement setup- Enables/disables bi-directional flow measurement mode. In this mode, when the pressure equivalent to 0% is applied, the device outputs 50%. Applicable only for differential pressure transmitters. R/W Enum 2048
quick_resp 401A Quick resp Quick response- Enables/disables to set the damping value less than 0.5 sec. R/W Enum 2048
tz_cmp_mode 405C T.Z. Cmp mode Temperature Zero compensation mode- Enables/disables temperature zero compensation. R/W Enum 2048
temp_zero 405D Temp Zero Temperature Zero shift compensation- Defines the value to be used for temperature zero shift compensation. R/W Float 2048
sc_enable 405E S.C. Signal characterizer- Enables/disables signal characterizer function. R/W Enum 2048
num_of_points 405F Num of points Number of break points- Sets the number of points for signal characterizer. R/W Unsigned 2048
x_start 4061 X Start Displays the start point of X. R Float 2048
y_start 4062 Y Start Displays the start point of Y. R Float 2048
x_end 4063 X End Displays the end point of X. R Float 2048
y_end 4064 Y End Displays the end point of Y. R Float 2048
digital_output 4065 Digital Output Status of digital output- Displays the current status of digital output. R Enum 1026
auto_recover 4066 Auto recover Automatic recover- Defines if the device automatically returns to normal operation without restarting or not, once after it recovers from the sensor error status. R/W Enum 2048
ao_lower_limit 4067 AO lower limit Analog output lower limit- Sets the lower limit value for analog output. R/W Float 64
ao_upper_limit 4068 AO upper limit Analog output upper limit- Sets the upper limit value for analog output. R/W Float 64
pres_alert_mode 4069 Pres Alert mode Selects alert mode for pressure alarm. R/W Enum 2048
pres_hi_alert_val 4070 Hi Alert Val Sets threshold value for pressure high alarm. R/W Float 2048
pres_lo_alert_val 4071 Lo Alert Val Sets threshold value for pressure low alarm. R/W Float 2048
sp_alert_mode 406B SP Alert mode Selects alert mode for static pressure alarm. R/W Enum 2048
temp_alert_mode 406D Temp Alert mode Selects alert mode for sensor temperature alarm. R/W Enum 2048
bar_indicator 402F Bar indicator Bar indicator- Defines to show/hide bar indicator on LCD. R/W Enum 256
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class