Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
disp_func 402F Disp Pres % fnctn Display pressure % function- Defines the display mode for pressure variable in %; Linear or Squareroot. R/W Enum 256
disp_pres_percent_reso 4030 Disp Pres % Reso Display pressure % resolution- Defines the display resolution level for pressure variable in %; normal or high resolution. R/W Enum 256
pres_disp_point 406A Pres disp point Pressure display decimal position- Defines the decimal point position for the pressure variable display. R/W Enum 256
sp_disp_point 406B SP disp point Static pressure display decimal point position- Defines the decimal point position for the static pressure variable display. R/W Enum 256
engr_disp_lrv 4032 Engr LRV Engineering display lower range value- Sets the lower range value equivalent to 0% for user scale display. R/W Float 256
engr_disp_urv 4033 Engr URV Engineering display upper range value- Sets the upper range value equivalent to 100% for user scale display. R/W Float 256
engr_disp_point 4034 Engr point Engineering display decimal position- Defines the decimal point position for user scale display. R/W Enum 256
asc_model_1 4027 Model 1 Model 1- Model and Suffix codes of the device. R/W PackedAscii 2048
asc_model_2 4028 Model 2 Model 2- Part of the Model and suffix codes of the device, which follows the codes shown in Model 1. R/W PackedAscii 2048
asc_model_3 4029 Model 3 Model 3- Part of the Model and suffix codes of the device, which follows the codes shown in Model 2. R/W PackedAscii 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class