Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
low_cut_mode 4014 Low cut mode Low cut mode- Selects the type of the low cut function to be used; LINEAR or ZERO. R/W Enum 2048
hl_swap 4015 H/L Swap High/Low swap- Reverses the high pressure side and low pressure side of the transmitter. For example, use this function when assigning the high pressure impulse line connection to the L side of the transmitter. R/W Enum 2048
sp_lrv 404A SP LRV Static Pressure Lower Range Value- Defines the operational endpoint from which the 0% point of the Percent Range are derived. R/W Float 32
sp_urv 4049 SP URV Static Pressure Upper Range Value- Defines the operational endpoint from which the 100% point of the Percent Range are derived. R/W Float 32
static_pressure_units 4048 SP Unit Static Pressure Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit for the Static Pressure. R/W Enum 8
ag_select_mode 404E A/G Select Absolute/gauge selection- Type of Static pressure variable. R/W Enum 2048
atm_pres_value 404F Atm. Pres Value Atmospheric Pressure Value- Sets the coefficient value used for the conversion of the measured absolute pressure value into gauge pressure value. R/W Float 2048
sp_hl_select 404D SP H/L Select Static Pressure High/Low Select- Measuring point of the static pressure; high pressure side or low pressure side. R/W Enum 2048
amp_temp_value 403B Amp temp Amp Temperature R Float 10
temperature_units 403A Temp Unit Field Device Variable Unit- Digital unit that the variable will be displayed with. Sensor Temperature- Temperature associated with the sensor that is responsible for a process measurement. R/W Enum 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class