Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
dummy_float_value 4036 R/W Float 0
dummy_uint1_value 4080 R/W Unsigned 0
dummy_uint2_value 4081 R/W Unsigned 0
noise_level_digital_value 406F Flow noise R/W Float 2
noise_level_digital_unit 4070 Flow noise unit R/W Enum 0
noise_level_data_quality 4071 Flow noise data quality R/W Enum 10
noise_level_limit_status 4072 Flow noise limit status R/W Enum 10
noise_level_family_status 4073 Flow noise family status R/W BitEnum 10
noise_level_classification 4074 Flow noise classification R Enum 2048
noise_level_update_period 407B Flow noise update period R Enum 10
noise_level_family 4075 Flow noise family R Enum 2048
noise_level_usl 4076 Flow noise USL R Float 0
noise_level_lsl 4077 Flow noise LSL R Float 0
noise_level_min_span 4078 Flow noise min span R Float 0
noise_level_damping_value 4079 Flow noise damping for AO and frequency R/W Float 0
noise_level_write_dev_var_code 407A Flow noise write dev var code W Enum 2052
noise_level_sensor_sn 407C Snsr s/n R Unsigned 2048
noise_level_upper_range_value 407D Flow noise URV R/W Float 0
noise_level_lower_range_value 407E Flow noise LRV R/W Float 0
burst_var_code 4082 Burst var 1 is Burst Variable Slot 1- Device variable code assigned to slot 1 to be read in burst mode. R/W Enum 4096
deviceVariables_simulation 40C8 R/W Enum 4096
primary_var_code_for_edit 40C9 PV is R/W Enum 4096
secondary_var_code_for_edit 40CA SV is R/W Enum 4096
Density_select 40CB Density value select R/W Enum 0
Flow_noise_check 40CC Flow noise function R/W Enum 0
Flow_noise_level_1 40CD Flow noise level 1 R/W Float 0
Flow_noise_level_2 40CE Flow noise level 2 R/W Float 0
Flow_noise_level_3 40CF Flow noise level 3 R/W Float 0
Flow_noise_level_4 40D0 Flow noise level 4 R/W Float 0
Flow_noise_status 40D1 Flow noise status R Enum 2
Flow_noise_damping 40D2 Flow noise damping R/W Float 0
Flow_noise_span 40D3 Flow noise span R/W Float 0
Low_conduct_check 40D4 Low conductivity function R/W Enum 0
Conductivity 40D5 Conductivity value R Float 2
Conductivity_limit 40D6 Conductivity low limit R/W Float 0
Diag_exe 40D7 Diagnostic execution R/W Enum 0
V_peak_hold_value 40D8 V peak hold value R Float 2
Display_line_select_1 40D9 Display select1 R/W Enum 0
Display_line_select_2 40DC Display select2 R/W Enum 0
Display_line_select_3 40DD Display select3 R/W Enum 0
Display_line_select_4 40DE Display select4 R/W Enum 0
Display_line_select_5 40DF Display select5 R/W Enum 0
Display_line_select_6 40E0 Display select6 R/W Enum 0
Display_line_select_7 40E1 Display select7 R/W Enum 0
Display_line_select_8 40E2 Display select8 R/W Enum 0
Logging_1_select 40E3 Log1 select R/W Enum 0
Logging_2_select 40E4 Log2 select R/W Enum 0
Logging_3_select 40E5 Log3 select R/W Enum 0
Logging_4_select 40E6 Log4 select R/W Enum 0
PV_flow_select 40E7 PV flow select R/W Enum 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class