名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
dummy_transfer_func 4007 Dummy transfer function 枚举 2048
flow_span_disp 4008 PV Span Sets flow rate span (with units from "Base Flow Unit" and "Base Time Unit"). 读/写 浮点 32
flow_damping_value 1F87 PV Damping 阻尼值——同时应用至各自模拟量输出的数值表示和模拟值的阻尼时间常数。该变量的单位始终为秒钟。 读/写 浮点 32
flow_total_units 400B Total Unit 枚举 32
flow_total_value 400C 总值 Displays the totalized value for flow rate in the forward direction. 浮点 34
rev_total_units 400E Reverse Totl Units 枚举 32
rev_total_value 400F Reverse Totl Displays the totalized value for flow rate in the reverse direction. 浮点 34
dif_total_units 4010 Dif Totl Units 枚举 32
dif_total_value 4011 Dif Totl Displays the totalized value for flow rate between forward totalization and reverse totalization. 浮点 34
select_flow_tube 4012 Select Flow Tube Selects the flowtube's model name. 读/写 枚举 2048
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类