Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
alm_adhesion 404E Alm-Adhesion Selects whether an electrode adhesion alarm is to be specified as an alarm. R/W Enum 2048
alm_emp_pipe 404F Alm-Emp Pipe Selects whether an empty pipe alarm is to be specified as an alarm. R/W Enum 2048
alm_sig_over 4050 Alm-Sig Over Selects whether a signal overflow alarm is to be specified as an alarm. R/W Enum 2048
alm_hhll 4051 Alm-HH/LL Selects whether a flow rate high-high or low-low alarm is to be specified as an alarm. R/W Enum 2048
alarm_out_4_20 4052 4-20mA Alarm Out Selects the current output during alarm occurrence. R/W Enum 2048
operation_time 4053 Operation Time Displays the operation time. R ASCII 2050
alm_record1 4054 Alm Record1 Displays the content of the most recent alarm. R Enum 2050
alm_record_time1 4055 Alm Record Time1 Displays the operation time at the occurrence of the most recent alarm. R ASCII 2050
alm_record2 4056 Alm Record2 Displays the content of the second most recent alarm. R Enum 2050
alm_record_time2 4057 Alm Record Time2 Displays the operation time at occurrence of the second most recent alarm. R ASCII 2050
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class