Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
alm_record3 4058 Alm Record3 Displays the content of the third most recent alarm. R Enum 2050
alm_record_time3 4059 Alm Record Time3 Displays the operation time at the occurrence of the third most recent alarm. R ASCII 2050
alm_record4 405A Alm Record4 Displays the content of the fourth most recent alarm. R Enum 2050
alm_record_time4 405B Alm Record Time4 Displays the operation time at the occurrence of the fourth most recent alarm. R ASCII 2050
so1_function 405C SO1 Function Selects function for the SO1 terminal. R/W Enum 2048
so2_function 405D SO2 Function Selects function for the SO2 terminal. R/W Enum 2048
si1_function 405E SI1 Function Selects function for the SI1 terminal. R/W Enum 2048
si2_function 405F SI2 Function Selects function for the SI2 terminal. R/W Enum 2048
so12_active_mode 4060 SO1/2 Active Mode Selects whether SO1/SO2 output will be set to "On Active" or "Off Active". R/W Enum 2048
si12_active_mode 4061 SI1/2 Active Mode Selects whether SI1/SI2 input will be set to "Short Active" or "Open Active". R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class