Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
rCAL7 4023 CAL7 Calibration Variable R Float 8
eFloatCalibrationVarIndex 4025 R/W Index 4096
wCAL3 4027 CAL3 Calibration Variable R Integer 8
wCAL4 4028 CAL4 Calibration Variable R Integer 8
wCAL6 4029 CAL6 Calibration Variable R Integer 8
wCAL8 402A CAL8 Calibration Variable R Integer 8
eIntegerCalibrationVarIndex 402B R/W Index 4096
eSimulatedCurrent 402E Simulated Current This function allows user to simulate 4mA,8mA,12mA,16mA and 20mA. R/W Enum 2048
wZeroCommand 4030 W Integer 2048
eFlowType 400F Flow Type R Enum 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class