Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
varConfigTotalizer2_IsStarted 4187 R/W Unsigned 2048
varLowFlowCutOff_LinPercentValue 4188 Cutoff Due to the low flow suppression, the output signal of the differential pressure transmitter is suppressed inspite of an existing differential pressure of '0' R/W Float 2048
varLowFlowCutOff_IsActive 4189 R Unsigned 2048
varHartDynamicVariableChannel_DeviceVariableCodeForPV 418A Primary Variable (PV) Selection, which measured value should be outputted as Primary Variable (PV) R/W Enum 2048
varHartDynamicVariableChannel_DeviceVariableCodeForSV 418D Secondary Variable (SV) Selection, which measured value should be outputted as Secondary Variable (SV) R/W Enum 2048
varHartDynamicVariableChannel_DeviceVariableCodeForTV 418F Tertiary Variable (TV) Selection, which measured value should be outputted as Third Variable (TV) R/W Enum 2048
varHartDynamicVariableChannel_DeviceVariableCodeForQV 4190 Quaternary Variable (QV) Selection, which measured value should be outputted as Quaternary Variable (QV) R/W Enum 2048
varDeviceStateConfig_EnableFunctionCheck 4191 Function control Defines, if the diagnostic message 'Function check' should be outputted or suppressed R/W Enum 2048
varDeviceStateConfig_EnableMaintenanceRequested 4192 Maintenance required Defines, if the diagnostic message 'Maintenance required' should be outputted or suppressed R/W Enum 2048
varDeviceStateConfig_EnableOutOfSpecification 4193 Out of specification Defines, if the diagnostic message 'Out of specification' should be outputted or suppressed R/W Enum 2048
varMainCurrentOutput_Configuration_MinCurrent 4194 Min. current Min. current consumption of the sensor (exception: value in case of failure) R/W Enum 2048
varMainCurrentOutput_Configuration_MaxCurrent 4195 Max. current Max. current consumption of the sensor (exception: value in case of failure) R/W Enum 2048
varMainCurrentOutput_Configuration_GradientType 408B Output characteristic Selection of the current characteristics R/W Enum 2048
varMainCurrentOutput_Configuration_ErrorCurrentType 4196 Behaviour in case of failure Current consumption of the sensor in case of failure R/W Enum 2048
varAnalogChannel2_CurrentOutputData_MinCurrent 4197 Min. current Min. current consumption of the sensor (exception: value in case of failure) R/W Enum 2048
varAnalogChannel2_CurrentOutputData_MaxCurrent 4198 Max. current Max. current consumption of the sensor (exception: value in case of failure) R/W Enum 2048
varAnalogChannel2_CurrentOutputData_GradientType 408D Output characteristic Selection of the current characteristics R/W Enum 2048
varAnalogChannel2_CurrentOutputData_ErrorCurrentType 4199 Behaviour in case of failure Current consumption of the sensor in case of failure R/W Enum 2048
varDeviceConfig_AdditionalElectronicsType 4128 R Unsigned 2048
varDeviceConfig_General_HART 419A R Unsigned 2048
varDeviceConfig_General_UnitLimitation 4130 R Unsigned 2048
varHartAddress 419B Device address R Unsigned 2048
varLoopCurrentMode 408A Loop current mode R Enum 2048
varAnalogChannel2_LoopCurrentMode 419C Output mode R/W Enum 4096
varAdjustmentData_MinPhysicalValue 419D Min. adjustment value Min. adjustment value R/W Float 2048
varAdjustmentData_MaxPhysicalValue 41A0 Max. adjustment value Max. adjustment value R/W Float 2048
varAdjustmentData_MinPercentValue 41A3 Min. adjustment in % Percentage value for which the min. adjustment value is entered R/W Float 2048
varAdjustmentData_MaxPercentValue 41A6 Max. adjustment in % Percentage value for which the max. adjustment value is entered R/W Float 2048
varAdjustmentData_Offset 41A9 Offset R/W Float 2048
varAdjustmentDataZeroSpan_ZeroPhysicalValue 41AA Zero (initial value) Min. adjustment value R/W Float 2048
varAdjustmentDataZeroSpan_SpanPhysicalValue 41AF Span (final value) Max. adjustment value R/W Float 2048
varAdjustmentDataZeroSpan_Offset 41B2 Offset R/W Float 2048
varSensorSystemConfig_Action 41B3 R Unsigned 2048
varSensorSystemConfig_IsSlaveActive 4082 Electronic differential pressure R Enum 2048
varFlowElementCharacteristic_FlowValueMin 41B6 Min. adjusted pressure corresponds to R/W Float 2048
varFlowElementCharacteristic_FlowValueMax 41B8 Max. adjusted pressure corresponds to R/W Float 2048
varAnalogChannel1_AdjustmentConfig_MinRange 41B9 Current output 0 % corresponds to Value of the output variable at 0 % R/W Float 2048
varAnalogChannel1_AdjustmentConfig_MaxRange 41BA Current output 100 % corresponds to Value of the output variable at 100 % R/W Float 2048
varAnalogChannel2_AdjustmentConfig_MinRange 41BB Current output 0 % corresponds to Value of the output variable at 0 % R/W Float 2048
varAnalogChannel2_AdjustmentConfig_MaxRange 41BC Current output 100 % corresponds to Value of the output variable at 100 % R/W Float 2048
varOffsetCustomer_Value 41BD Offset Direct adjustment of the offset for compensation of the mounting position R/W Float 2048
varConfigInterfaceMeasuring_DensityUpperMedium 41BE Density upper medium Requirement for the interface measurement is that both sensors are covered by the medium. The interface can only be detected between the two sensors. R/W Float 2048
varConfigInterfaceMeasuring_DensityLowerMedium 41C0 Density lower medium Requirement for the interface measurement is that both sensors are covered by the medium. The interface can only be detected between the two sensors. R/W Float 2048
varConfigInterfaceMeasuring_DistanceBetweenSensors 41C1 Distance of the sensors (A) The distance of the two sensors must be entered for determination of the interface out of the measured differential pressure R/W Float 2048
varConfigDensityMeasuring_DistanceBetweenSensors 41C2 Distance of the sensors (A) The distance of the two sensors must be entered for determination of the density out of the measured differential pressure R/W Float 2048
varDeviceHardwareVersionAscii_VersionInfoAscii 41C3 Hardware version Hardware version of the main electronics R ASCII 2048
varDeviceSoftwareVersionAscii_VersionInfoAscii 41C4 Software version Software version of the main electronics R ASCII 2048
varCalibrationDate_CalibrationDay 41C5 R Unsigned 2048
varCalibrationDate_CalibrationMonth 41C7 R Unsigned 2048
varCalibrationDate_CalibrationYear 41C8 R Unsigned 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class