Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
varMainCurrentOutput_Configuration_MinCurrent 4138 Min. current Min. current consumption of the sensor (exception: value in case of failure) R/W Enum 2048
varMainCurrentOutput_Configuration_MaxCurrent 4139 Max. current Max. current consumption of the sensor (exception: value in case of failure) R/W Enum 2048
varMainCurrentOutput_Configuration_GradientType 40A1 Output characteristic Selection of the current characteristics R/W Enum 2048
varMainCurrentOutput_Configuration_ErrorCurrentType 413B Failure mode Current consumption of the sensor in case of failure R/W Enum 2048
varAnalogChannel2_CurrentOutputData_MinCurrent 413D Min. current Min. current consumption of the sensor (exception: value in case of failure) R/W Enum 2048
varAnalogChannel2_CurrentOutputData_MaxCurrent 413E Max. current Max. current consumption of the sensor (exception: value in case of failure) R/W Enum 2048
varAnalogChannel2_CurrentOutputData_GradientType 40A3 Output characteristic Selection of the current characteristics R/W Enum 2048
varAnalogChannel2_CurrentOutputData_ErrorCurrentType 413F Failure mode Current consumption of the sensor in case of failure R/W Enum 2048
varAnalogChannel1_AdjustmentConfig_MinRange 4140 Current output 0 % corresponds to Value of the output variable at 0 % R/W Float 2048
varAnalogChannel1_AdjustmentConfig_MaxRange 4141 Current output 100 % corresponds to Value of the output variable at 100 % R/W Float 2048
varAnalogChannel2_AdjustmentConfig_MinRange 4142 Current output 0 % corresponds to Value of the output variable at 0 % R/W Float 2048
varAnalogChannel2_AdjustmentConfig_MaxRange 4143 Current output 100 % corresponds to Value of the output variable at 100 % R/W Float 2048
varDeviceUnits_PhysicalValueUnit 4144 Distance unit of the instrument Selection of the physical distance unit for indication and parameter adjustment R/W Enum 2048
varDeviceUnits_TemperatureUnit 4146 Temperature unit of the instrument Selection of the physical temperature unit for indication and parameter adjustment R/W Enum 2048
varDeviceTag 4147 Measurement loop name Name of the measurement loop R/W ASCII 2048
varApplication_MediumType 4099 Type of medium Selection of the type of medium R/W Unsigned 2048
varApplication_ApplicationTypeLiquids 409B Application Special vessel feature R/W Enum 2048
varApplication_ApplicationTypeSolids 409A Application Vessel form for bulk solids R/W Enum 2048
varApplication_MediumLiquids 4149 Medium Selection of the type of medium R/W Enum 2048
varApplication_MediumSolids 414A Medium Selection of the type of medium R/W Enum 2048
varApplication_VesselTopLiquids 414B Vessel top Selection of the existing vessel top for consideration in the signal processing. R/W Enum 2048
varApplication_VesselBottomLiquids 414C Vessel bottom Selection of the existing vessel bottom for consideration in the signal processing. R/W Enum 2048
varApplication_VesselBottomSolids 414D Vessel bottom Selection of the existing vessel bottom for consideration in the signal processing. R/W Enum 2048
varApplication_PipeDiameter 414E R/W Float 2048
varApplication_VesselHeight_MeasureEnd 414F Vessel height/Measuring range Vessel height or for applications without vessel the area in which the measured medium can move R/W Float 2048
varLinarizationCurve_CurveType 409E Linearization type Selection of the linearization curve R/W Enum 2048
varLinarizationCurve_VesselHeight 4150 Vessel height D Total height (inner dimension) R/W Float 2048
varLinarizationCurve_SensorZeroToVesselTopDistance 4151 Socket correction h Distance of the sensor reference plane to the upper edge of the vessel R/W Float 2048
varDisplayConfig_PictureSelection 4097 Graph Selection of the presentation for the measured value image R/W Enum 2048
varDisplayConfig_DisplayedValue 4152 Indication value 1 Determines which measured value should be displayed R/W Enum 2048
varDisplayConfig_Language 4154 Menu language Selection of the language for the indicating and adjustment module R/W Enum 2048
varDisplayConfig_IluminationActivation 4155 Lighting Activation of the background lighting of the indicating and adjustment module R/W Enum 2048
varDisplayConfig_DisplayedValue2 4156 Indication value 2 Determines which measured value should be displayed R/W Enum 2048
varDeviceStateConfig_EnableFunctionCheck 4157 Function check Defines, if the diagnostic message 'Function check' should be outputted or suppressed R/W Enum 2048
varDeviceStateConfig_EnableMaintenanceRequested 4158 Maintenance required Defines, if the diagnostic message 'Maintenance required' should be outputted or suppressed R/W Enum 2048
varDeviceStateConfig_EnableOutOfSpecification 4159 Out of specification Defines, if the diagnostic message 'Out of specification' should be outputted or suppressed R/W Enum 2048
varFirmwareVersion 415A Software version Version of the instrument software R Unsigned 4096
varApprovalSil 413C SIL qualified sensor R Enum 4096
varServicePassword 415B Password R/W Integer 4096
varDeviceSoftwareVersionAscii_VersionInfoAscii 415C Software version Software version of the main electronics R ASCII 2048
varDeviceHardwareVersionAscii_VersionInfoAscii 415D Hardware version Hardware version of the main electronics R ASCII 2048
varHART_ReadUniqueIdentifier_ExtendedHartId_254 415E R Unsigned 2048
varHART_ReadUniqueIdentifier_ExpDeviceType 415F R Unsigned 2048
varHART_ReadUniqueIdentifier_MinimumNumberOfPreamplesRequired 4160 R Unsigned 2048
varHART_ReadUniqueIdentifier_HartRevision 4161 Fieldbus Profile Rev. R Unsigned 2048
varHART_ReadUniqueIdentifier_DeviceRevision 4162 R Unsigned 2048
varHART_ReadUniqueIdentifier_SoftwareRevision 4163 R Unsigned 2048
varHART_ReadUniqueIdentifier_HardwareRevision_PhysicalSignalingCode 4164 R Unsigned 2048
varHART_ReadUniqueIdentifier_Flags 4165 R Unsigned 2048
varHART_ReadUniqueIdentifier_DeviceId 4166 R Unsigned 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class