Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
FlowMinimumSpan 40EA Minimum span R Float 0
FlowSerialNumber 414D Snsr s/n Sensor Serial Number- Uniquely identifies the sensor from which the Digital Value representation or Field Device variable is primarily derived. R Unsigned 2048
input_calibration_mode 4027 Calibration Mode W Unsigned 32
input_calibration_step 4028 Calibration Step W Unsigned 32
input_excitation_current 4030 Exc Curr Dsp R Float 4
input_low_cut_value 400E Low cut Low cutoff is the function to set the current output to zero forcefully if the flow rate is equal to or less than the low cutoff value set near 0%. Low cutoff value can be set within the range 0 to 10% in increments of 0.1%. R/W Float 32
input_excitation_frequency_code 401B Exc freq Since each exciting frequency value has its own characteristics, you should select an appropriate exciting frequency (24Hz is set at shipment. Depending on the characteristics of the detector, a large frequency may result in excitation failure. When a large frequency value is set and it changes the indicator value, decrease the frequency to a value that will not change the indicator value.) (100Hz, 200Hz and 400Hz are frequency for capacitance type converter.) R/W Enum 32
input_pulse_rate_unit 4017 Unit Unit of count rate R/W Enum 32
input_pulse_rate 4018 Count rate R/W Float 32
input_pulse_width 4019 Pulse width R/W Unsigned 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class