Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
input_upper_value2 4011 Range2 Range2 span value. R/W Float 32
input_upper_value3 4012 Range3 Range3 span value. R/W Float 32
input_upper_value4 4013 Range4 Range4 span value. R/W Float 32
input_multi_range_hysteresys 4016 Range hys Range hysteresis is the dead band used when multiple ranges are switched. You can set the hysteresis within the range of 0 to 25% in increments of 0.1%. R/W Unsigned 4
fixed_pulse 40FF Fixed pulse R/W Unsigned 32
fixed_current 4100 Fixed current R/W Float 32
input_main_unit 40AC Main unit R/W Enum 32
input_main_total_direction 40AD Main unit totalizer R/W Enum 32
input_sub_unit 40AE Sub unit R/W Enum 32
input_sub_total_direction 40AF Sub unit totalizer R/W Enum 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class