Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Flow_dir 40F8 Flow dir NORMAL:When the fluid flows in the direction of the arrow indicating the flow direction that is attached to the detector, the indicator value and electric current output value increase. SWITCH:When the fluid flows in the reverse direction of the arrow indicating the flow direction that is attached to the detector, the indicator value and electric current output value increases. R/W Enum 2048
Dspl_low_cut 40F9 Dspl low cut When low cutoff is set, this function determines whether to use the low cutoff processing for displayed values. LINEAR:Low cutoff processing is not used for displayed values. LOW CUT:Displayed values are processed with low cutoff. R/W Enum 2048
LF_low_limit 40FA Low limit The low limit of the current output for converter can be set. R/W Enum 2048
LF_Self_chk 40FB Self check You can select on/off setting for the self-diagnosis function. If the self-diagnosis function is set to OFF, no error message is displayed even if any of the errors. R/W Enum 2048
input_conv_alarm 40FC Conv alarm If CONV ALARM is set for Digital output function, a digital signal will be output in case the converter's self-diagnosis function detects an error. In this case, you can set whether the empty pipe alarm is to be included in the converter alarm items. CONV ONLY:Empty pipe alarm is not included in the converter alarm output items. WITH EMP:Empty pipe alarm is included in the converter alarm output items. R/W Enum 2048
lcd_adj 40FD LCD adj The display of the LCD, by its natural characteristics, gradually becomes lighter over time. If the display becomes too dark, you need to adjust the density by using this parameter. R/W Enum 2048
sw_position 40FE SW position Setting the switch position enables the display orientation to be kept fixed, regardless of in which direction relative to the piping the converter is installed. R/W Enum 2048
input_range_type 4015 Type SINGLE:Single range. 4F-0R:Unidirectional flow, automatic selection of multiple ranges. 2F-2R:Bidirectional flows, automatic selection of multiple ranges. EXT 2F-0R:Unidirectional flow, multiple ranges selected by external signal. EXT 2F-2R:Bidirectional flows, multiple ranges selected by external signal. R/W Enum 32
input_range_units 400F Unit Range Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Upper Range Value and Lower Range Value R/W Enum 32
input_upper_value 4010 Range1 Range1 span value. Range can be set within 0.1m/s to 10m/s in terms of flow velocity. R/W Float 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class