Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
input_calibration_step 4028 Calibration Step W Unsigned 32
seal_material 4029 Seal matl R/W Enum 2048
LF220_liner_material 402A Lining material R/W Enum 2048
LF220_electrode_material 402B Electrode material R/W Enum 2048
connection_flgn_matl 402C Earthring material R/W Enum 2048
input_flange_types 4092 Flange type R/W Enum 2048
input_preset_function 40B0 Preset funct. Preset funct.- Define status of preset counter output. Select from 3status: holding active status until reset counter. A one-shot pulse-out with 50ms or with 500ms width. R/W Enum 2048
input_almout 40B1 4-20 Alm Out 4-20 Alm Out- Define how the analog output will respond when converter detect self-diagnostic error. R/W Enum 2048
DO1_status_code 402D DO1 DO1- Digital output 1: Semiconductor contact output. R/W Enum 2048
DO2_status_code 402E DO2 DO2- Digital output 2: Semiconductor contact output. R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class