Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
density_minimum_span 4071 PV Min span R/W Float 0
density_upper_range_value 4072 URV (@20mA) URV Upper Range Value -The density value that corresponds to 20mA output current. R/W Float 0
density_lower_range_value 4073 LRV (@4mA) LRV Lower Range Value -The density value that corresponds to 4mA output current. R/W Float 0
density_damp_value 4074 PV Damp PV Damp -The time constant of the transmitter. It is used to smooth the output. R/W Float 0
temperature_units 4059 Temp Units R/W Enum 0
temperature_value 4075 Temp Temp -The temperature of the process material. This is the temperature used during temperature compensation. R Float 2
kay_ray_transfer_function 4076 Xfer fnctn R Enum 0
sensor_serial_number 4077 Snsr s/n Snsr s/n -A means of identifying each transmitter with a unique number. R Unsigned 0
alarm_select 4078 AO Alrm typ R/W Enum 2
write_warning_status 409B Warning Status Flag R/W Integer 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class