Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
xmtr_time_min 4062 Time-Mins R/W Unsigned 0
new_ref 4065 New ref R/W Float 0
new_ref_deviation 4066 New ref deviation R/W Float 0
ref_calib_accept_code 4068 Ref calib acceptance code R/W Enum 0
density_units 406B PV Units PV Units- Engineering unit that the process variable, UPPER_RANGE_VALUE, LOWER_RANGE_VALUE, LOWER_SENSOR_LIMIT, and UPPER_SENSOR_LIMIT will be displayed with. R/W Enum 0
density_value 406C PV Process variable -The density or unit value that is proportional to the output current. It changes as the density of the process material changes. R Float 2
density_analog_value 406D PV Output Analog Output -The current at the transmitter output whose value changes as the density of the process material. R/W Float 2
density_percent_range 406E PV % rnge PV % of range -A value that is the per cent of full scale. R Float 2
density_upper_limit 406F USL USL Upper Sensor Limit -The highest value that the upper range value can be set to. R Float 0
density_lower_limit 4070 LSL LSL Lower Sensor Limit -The lowest value that the lower range value can be set to. R Float 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class