Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
last_ref 402A Counts R Float 0
ref_duration 402C 比較時間 R Float 0
ref_sample_control_code 402E 比較サンプル コントロール コード R/W Enum 0
cal_point_number 4030 Cal Point Number R/W Index 4096
cal_units 4032 キャリブレート ポイント単位 R/W Integer 0
cal_density_1 4033 #1DENSITY #1DENSITY--The density value for the first calibration point. This point is always used for the calibration curve. R/W Float 0
cal_signal_1 4034 #1SIGNAL #1SIGNAL--The signal value for the first calibration point. This point is always used for the calibration curve. R/W Float 0
cal_density_2 4039 #2DENSITY #2DENSITY--The density value for the second calibration point. This point is always used for the calibration curve. R/W Float 0
cal_signal_2 403A #2SIGNAL #2SIGNAL--The signal value for the second calibration point. This point is always used for the calibration curve. R/W Float 0
cal_density_3 403C #3DENSITY #3DENSITY--The density value for the third calibration point. If this calibration point is not used, the density should be set to zero. R/W Float 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class