Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
cal_signal_3 403D #3SIGNAL #3SIGNAL--The signal value for the third calibration point. This point is not used if the density for point three is zero. R/W Float 0
cal_density_4 403F #4DENSITY #4DENSITY--The density value for the fourth calibration point. If this calibration point is not used, the density should be set to zero. R/W Float 0
cal_signal_4 4040 #4SIGNAL #4SIGNAL--The signal value for the fourth calibration point. This point is not used if the density for point four is zero. R/W Float 0
cal_density_5 4042 #5DENSITY #5DENSITY--The density value for the fifth calibration point. If this calibration point is not used, the density should be set to zero. R/W Float 0
cal_signal_5 4043 #5SIGNAL #5SIGNAL--The signal value for the fifth calibration point. This point is not used if the density for point five is zero. R/W Float 0
cal_density_6 4045 #6DENSITY #6DENSITY--The density value for the sixth calibration point. If this calibration point is not used, the density should be set to zero. R/W Float 0
cal_signal_6 4046 #6SIGNAL #6SIGNAL--The signal value for the sixth calibration point. This point is not used if the density for point six is zero. R/W Float 0
sample 404B Sample R Float 0
sample_duration 404C Samp Duration Samp Duration--The time of the sample measurement. The maximum value is 600 seconds. R/W Float 0
dens_offset_units 404F Unit R/W Enum 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class