Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
pipe_description 4001 Pipe desc Pipe desc -User message to describe the pipe. R/W PackedAscii 0
percent_solids_carrier 4002 Density of carrier Density of Carrier -The density of the carrier liquid. R/W Float 0
percent_solids_of_material 4003 Density of material Density of Matl -The density of the solid material in the slurry. R/W Float 0
adapt_damp_status 4005 Adapt Damp Status Adapt Damp Status -Control to activate adaptive damping. R/W Enum 0
adapt_damp_value 4006 Adapt Damp Value Adapt Damp Value -The damping time used when the adaptive damping is active. R/W Float 0
damping_threshold 4007 Damping Threshold Damping Threshold -Percent deviation from last value where the adaptive damping becomes active. R/W Float 0
process_description 4009 Process desc Process desc -User entered description of process. R/W PackedAscii 0
temp_comp_status 4011 Temp Comp Status Temp Comp Status -This option turns the temperature compensation on and off. R/W Enum 0
temp_comp_ref_temp 4012 Ref Temp R/W Float 0
temp_comp_expan_coef 4013 Expansion Coef R Float 0
rho1 4015 RHO1 Rho1 -The density of the process at the first temperature. R/W Float 0
rho2 4016 RHO2 Rho2 -The density of the process at the second temmperature. R/W Float 0
temp1 4017 Temp1 Temp1 -The temperature at which the first density value is recorded. R/W Float 0
temp2 4018 Temp2 Temp2 -The temperature at which the second density value is recorded. R/W Float 0
ext_input_units 4020 Unit W Enum 0
ext_input_zero 4021 Zero Value W Float 0
input_span_trim 4023 Span value W Float 0
last_ref_date 4027 Last ref Last ref -The date on which the last reference was taken on the device. R HartDate 0
last_ref_time_hour 4028 Ref hr R Integer 0
last_ref_time_minute 4029 Ref min R Integer 0
last_ref 402A Counts R Float 0
ref_duration 402C Ref duration R Float 0
ref_sample_control_code 402E Ref sample cntrl code R/W Enum 0
cal_point_number 4030 Cal Point Number R/W Index 4096
cal_units 4032 Calib pt unit R/W Integer 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class