Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
percentageUnits 4002 % R Enum 10
outputCurrentValue 4005 TV R Float 10
outputCurrentUnits 4004 Flow Unit R/W Enum 10
temperatureValue 4007 QV (Temperature) Temperatura do sensor- Temperatura do sensor que está fazendo a medição do processo R Float 10
temperatureUnits 4006 Temperature Unit Sensor Temperature Units- Engineering unit to be displayed with Sensor Temperature. R/W Enum 8
flowUnits 4010 Flow Unit Sensor Flow Units- Engineering unit to be displayed with Sensor flow. R/W Enum 8
zero_elevation 4011 ZERO ELEV. Measure zero offset value R/W Float 2048
regulated_current_zero 4012 Zero Current W Float 2048
regulated_current_gain 4013 Gain Current W Float 2048
spec_gravity 4014 SPEC. GRAVITY R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class