Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
private_label_distributor 00A8 Distributore Private Label Distributor- References the company that is responsible for the distribution of this Field Device to customers R Enum 2048
units_code 07E9 R/W Enum 4096
write_protect 00A7 Write protect Write Protect Mode- Indicates whether variables can be written to the Field Device, or whether commands that cause actions, to be performed in the Field Device, can or cannot occur. Depending on the Field Device, this is a mode that is controllable by the user, either via the Field Device hardware or the HART Protocol. R Enum 2050
transfer_function_code 07EA R/W Enum 4096
alarm_selection_code 07EB R/W Enum 4096
extended_fld_device_status 0807 Ext dev status Extended Field Device Status- This provides additional Device Status information R BitEnum 131
write_protect_code 07EE R/W Enum 4096
loop_current_mode 0808 Loop current mode Modalità corrente di loop - Indica se la corrente di loop è attiva o fissa (ovvero il dispositivo è in modalità multi-drop). R/W Enum 64
physical_signaling_codes 07F1 R/W Enum 4096
flag_assignment 07F2 R/W Enum 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class