Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
tag 00A3 Tag Tag - Testo associato all’installazione del dispositivo di campo. Questo testo può essere utilizzato dall’utente in qualsiasi modo. Un uso consigliato è come etichetta univoca per un impianto che si correla all’etichetta di un dispositivo di campo: un disegno dell’impianto o su un sistema di controllo. Questa variabile viene utilizzata anche come tipo di handle di indirizzo a livello di collegamento dati. R/W PackedAscii 2048
software_revision 009E Software rev Field Device Software Revision- This revision corresponds to the software or firmware, that is embedded in the Field Device R Unsigned 2048
response_code 0096 Response code Command Specific Response Code- Data that is returned in the Field Device response, that indicates the relative success of the Command sent in the Host request. This information may relate to the Data of the Host request or to the command itself. R Enum 129
polling_address 00A2 Poll addr Polling Address- Address used by the Host to identify a Field Device, and changeable by the User to control: the Multidrop Mode for Analog Output 1), and the Analog Output Fixed Mode of Analog Output 1) R/W Unsigned 128
descriptor 00A5 Descrittore Descriptor- Text that is associated with the Field Device. This text can be used by the user in any way. There is no specific recommended use. R/W PackedAscii 2048
request_preambles 009B Num req preams Number of Request Preambles- Number of Preambles required from the Host request by the Field Device R Unsigned 128
transmitter_revision 009D Fld dev rev Field Device Revision- Revision of the Field Device Specific Device Description, that the Field Device conforms to R Unsigned 128
response_preambles 0FE2 Num resp preams Number of Response Preambles- Number of Preambles to be sent in the response message from the Field Device to the Host R Unsigned 128
max_num_device_variables 00CE Max dev vars Maximum Number of Device Variables- This indicates the last Device Variable code that a host application should expect to be found in the field device (e.g., when identifying the Device Variables using Command 54) R Unsigned 2048
config_change_counter 00CF Cfg chng count Contatore modifiche configurazione - Indica il numero di volte in cui la configurazione o la taratura di dispositivi sono state modificate da un’applicazione host o da un’interfaccia operatore locale. R Unsigned 2050
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class