Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ConversionTableRawValue_40 42BE Level The Level value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableAdjustedValue_40 42BF Conversion The converted value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableRawValue_41 42C3 Level The Level value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableAdjustedValue_41 42C4 Conversion The converted value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableRawValue_42 42C8 Level The Level value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableAdjustedValue_42 42C9 Conversion The converted value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableRawValue_43 42CD Level The Level value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableAdjustedValue_43 42CE Conversion The converted value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableRawValue_44 42D2 Level The Level value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableAdjustedValue_44 42D3 Conversion The converted value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class