Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ConversionTableRawValue_30 428C Level The Level value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableAdjustedValue_30 428D Conversion The converted value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableRawValue_31 4291 Level The Level value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableAdjustedValue_31 4292 Conversion The converted value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableRawValue_32 4296 Level The Level value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableAdjustedValue_32 4297 Conversion The converted value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableRawValue_33 429B Level The Level value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableAdjustedValue_33 429C Conversion The converted value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableRawValue_34 42A0 Level The Level value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableAdjustedValue_34 42A1 Conversion The converted value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class