Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
OptionConversion 4122 Select Conversion Create a new table for either volume, mass or a linearoized value (Fct. C3.1.3) R/W Index 0
DistancePartial 4124 Partial Distance Enter distance for partial empty spectrum W Float 0
TypeEmptySpectrum 4125 Empty Spectrum Type Select the type of empty spectrum to be recorded W Enum 0
HeightTank 4126 Tank Height Enter the tank height. (Fct. C1.2) R/W Float 0
TrackingVelocity 4180 Tracking Velocity Tracking Velocity describes the rate of change of distance/level in the tank. (Fct. C2.1) R/W Float 0
AntennaExtension 4127 Antenna Extension (Fct. C1.8) R/W Float 0
AntennaType 4128 Antenna Type Select the antenna type installed on the device. (Fct. C1.7) R/W Enum 0
Backlight 412A Backlight (Fct. C6.2) R/W Enum 0
BlockingDistance 412B Blocking Distance The blocking distance (high) is the minimum measurement value (Fct. C1.5) R/W Float 0
DateCalibration 412C Calibration Date Calibration date. Format according to ISO 8601. (Fct. C7.1.9) R HartDate 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class