Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ConversionTableRawValue_20 425A Level The Level value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableAdjustedValue_20 425B Conversion The converted value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableRawValue_21 425F Level The Level value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableAdjustedValue_21 4260 Conversion The converted value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableRawValue_22 4264 Level The Level value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableAdjustedValue_22 4265 Conversion The converted value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableRawValue_23 4269 Level The Level value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableAdjustedValue_23 426A Conversion The converted value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableRawValue_24 426E Level The Level value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
ConversionTableAdjustedValue_24 426F Conversion The converted value of one point of the conversion table. R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class