Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
bkp_DiameterStillwell 436C Stilling Well Diameter Enter the stilling well diameter (Fct. C1.4) R/W Float 4096
loc_HeightTank 4354 Tank Height Enter the tank height. (Fct. C1.2) R/W Float 4096
bkp_HeightTank 436D Tank Height Enter the tank height. (Fct. C1.2) R/W Float 4096
loc_OptionOverfillDetection 439B Overfill Detection (Fct. C2.5) R/W Enum 4096
bkp_OptionOverfillDetection 439C Overfill Detection (Fct. C2.5) R/W Enum 4096
loc_OptionConversion 439D Select Conversion Create a new table for either volume, mass or a linearoized value (Fct. C3.1.3) R/W Index 4096
bkp_OptionConversion 439E Select Conversion Create a new table for either volume, mass or a linearoized value (Fct. C3.1.3) R/W Index 4096
loc_OptionLinesDisplayPage2 439F Function Select the measurement page type (Fct. C6.5.1) R/W Enum 4096
bkp_OptionLinesDisplayPage2 43A0 Function Select the measurement page type (Fct. C6.5.1) R/W Enum 4096
loc_OptionLinesDisplayPage1 43A1 Function Select the measurement page type (Fct. C6.4.1) R/W Enum 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class