Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
linearity_adjustment_100 402E Linearity Adjst.100% Linearity Adjustment (100%) R Float 2048
number_of_linearizing 4049 No. of linearizing Number of linearizing R Enum 2048
distortion_angle_0 404A Angle of T.T. at 0% Distortion angle of torque tube at 0% R Float 2048
distortion_angle_100 404B Angle of T.T. at 100% Distortion angle of torque tube at 100% R Float 2048
offset_value_after_calculation 404C Offset Val. after Calc. Offset Value after Calculation R Float 2048
temperature_when_adjusting 404D Temp. when Adjust. Temperature when adjusting R Float 2048
hall_element_offset_value 402F H.E. Offset Value Hall Element Offset Value R Float 2048
compensation_hall_element_offset_value 4030 C.H.E. Offset Val. Compensation Hall Element Offset Value R Float 2048
temp_sensor_compensation_200 4031 TSCC (-200degC) Temp. Sensor Compensation Calibration (-200degC) R Float 2048
temp_sensor_compensation_400 4032 TSCC (400degC) Temp. Sensor Compensation Calibration (400degC) R Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class