Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
indication_scaling_100 401E 100% Ind. Scalling 100% Indication Scaling R Float 2048
displacer_weight 401F Displacer Weight R Float 2048
displacer_diameter 4020 Displacer Diameter R Float 2048
torque_tube_coefficient_a 4021 Torque Tube Coef.(a) Torque Tube Coefficient (a) R Float 2048
torque_tube_coefficient_b 4022 Torque Tube Coef.(b) Torque Tube Coefficient (b) R Float 2048
existence_temp_sensor 4023 Exist of Temp.Sensor Existence of Temperature Sensor R Enum 2048
linearity_adjustment_0 4024 Linearity Adjst.0% Linearity Adjustment (0%) R Float 2048
linearity_adjustment_25 4047 Linearity Adjst.25% Linearity Adjustment (25%) R Float 2048
linearity_adjustment_50 4029 Linearity Adjst.50% Linearity Adjustment (50%) R Float 2048
linearity_adjustment_75 4048 Linearity Adjst.75% Linearity Adjustment (75%) R Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class