名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
signal_processing_samples 1F54 样本 Signal Processing Number of Samples- Number of input samples to be averaged. 读/写 整型 32
signal_processing_percent 1F55 % 比率 Signal Processing Percent- This number sets up a limiting band around the average value to determine when an input sample is noisy. Inputs samples that are outside of this band are not included in the averaging algorithm. 读/写 整型 32
signal_processing_limit 1F56 时间限制 Signal Processing Limit- The limit factor is used to catch step changes in flow. If the input signals are either above, or below the average value for more than the limit time the output will be driven to the new level, and averaging will start over at this point. 读/写 整型 32
flow_tube_calibration_number 1F58 标定数 Flow Tube Calibration Number- This number is uniquely associated with the flow tube, and is used to compensate for gain and zero shifts associated with the specific tube. The calibration number is calculated at the factory and is stamped on the flow tube. 读/写 ASCII 8
total_control 1F67 累加器控制 Totalizer Control Code- Controls the operation of all available totalizers. 枚举 16
auxiliary_output 1F6A 辅助输出 Auxiliary output- Discrete switch closure output that signals either reverse or 0 flow through the flow tube. 读/写 枚举 1024
operate_mode 1F6D 操作模式 Noise Supression- Level or mode of noise supression. 读/写 枚举 8
flow_units 1F7B 主变量单位 现场设备变量单位——使用数值表示、最小范围、范围上限、范围下限、传感器上限和传感器下限显示的工程单位。 读/写 枚举 32
flow_value 1F7C 主变量 现场设备变量值——在没有用户干扰的条件下,根据时间改变大小的数值。 读/写 浮点 34
flow_analog_value 1F7D AO1 模拟量输出值——在正常工作模式下跟踪数值表示的数值。 读/写 浮点 66
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