Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
CO_Input20mA_1 4070 Upper range value Enter 20 mA value R/W Float 2048
CO_OutPercentage_1 4026 OutPercentage R Float 2
CO_HiAlarmOutCurrent_1 4027 Failure current Setting of the value the current output adopts in an alarm condition. R/W Float 2048
CO_OutOfRangeAlarm_1 4028 Out of range category Selection of the category (status signal) how the device reacts if the measuring range is exceeded. R/W Enum 2048
CO_FailureMode_1 4029 Failure mode Selection of the failure signal level of the current output in case of an error. R/W Enum 2048
CO_MinSpan_1 402A Minimum span R Float 2048
HO_DateCode_1 402B HART date code R/W ASCII 128
HO_Descriptor_1 402C HART descriptor R/W PackedAscii 128
HO_DeviceType_1 402D Device type R Unsigned 128
HO_Message_1 402E HART message R/W PackedAscii 128
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class