名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 访问 | 分类 |
DS_SILCRC_1 | 404C | SIL checksum | 读 | 无符号 | 2048 | |
DS_SILEnterCRC_1 | 404D | Enter SIL Checksum | Enter SIL checksum during safe parameterisation and startup in SIL operation. | 读/写 | 无符号 | 2048 |
DS_SILChecksumTimestamp_1 | 404E | Timestamp SIL configuration | Enter time and date when safe parameterisation was finished. | 读/写 | ASCII | 2048 |
DS_SILSafeParaStatus_1 | 404F | Safe parameterization status | 读 | 位枚举 | 2048 | |
DS_SILSafeParaStatusInvers_1 | 4050 | Safe parameterization status | 读 | 位枚举 | 2048 | |
DS_SILSafeParaControl_1 | 4051 | SILSafeParaControl | 读/写 | 无符号 | 2048 | |
DS_SILASCIIFeedback_1 | 40DA | Parameter verification | 读 | ASCII | 2048 | |
DS_SILParameterVerification_1 | 40DB | Confirm | 读/写 | 枚举 | 4096 | |
DS_OperationalState_1 | 4052 | Operational state | 读 | 枚举 | 2 | |
DS_ForceSafeState_1 | 4053 | Force safe state | 读/写 | 枚举 | 2048 | |
名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 访问 | 分类 |