Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
HBM_BurstMinPeriod_3 4068 Min. update period Enter the minimum time span between two burst responses of one burst message R/W Unsigned 2048
HBM_BurstMaxPeriod_3 4069 Max. update period Enter the maximum time span between two burst responses of one burst message R/W Unsigned 2048
HBM_BurstTriggerMode_3 406A Burst trigger mode Select the event that triggers the burst message R/W Enum 2048
HBM_BurstTriggerLevel_3 406B Burst trigger level Enter the burst trigger value that determines together with the option selected in 'Burst trigger mode' parameter the time of burst message R/W Float 2048
ConstantUnit_Day 40FB R/W Enum 4096
ConstantUnit_degCelsius 40FC R/W Enum 4096
ConstantUnit_degFahrenheit 40FD R/W Enum 4096
ConstantUnit_degRankine 40FE R/W Enum 4096
ConstantUnit_DifferenceCelsius 40FF R/W Enum 4096
ConstantUnit_DifferenceFahrenheit 4100 R/W Enum 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class