Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
update_period 12BE Update Period Update period for burst message R/W Time 2048
max_update_period 12BF Max Update Period Maxium update period for burst message R/W Time 2048
burst_variable_code 1263 Burst Variable Code Burst Variable Slot - Device variable code assigned to the slot to be read in burst mode. R/W Index 128
total_number_burst_messages 1156 Total Burst Msgs Total number of burst messages supported by this device R Unsigned 2048
time_of_first_unack_event 12C2 Time First Unack Event Triggered The time when the first unacknowledged event was triggered R Time 2052
event_notification_retry_time_event 12C3 Event Notification Retry Time R/W Time 128
max_update_time_event 12C4 Max Update Time R/W Time 128
event_debounce_interval_event 12C5 Event Debounce Interval R/W Time 128
burst_command_number 0FFD Burst Command Opção de Rajada- Selecione a variável(s) que idar rajada caso o modo de rajada esteja ativado. R/W Enum 128
last_clock_date 115A Set Clock Date Date to set the real-time clock in the field device to, or date that the real-time clock was last set R/W HartDate 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class