Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
dv0SplinePointY1 | 4263 | Y 1 | Spline table Y point | R/W | Float | 2048 |
dv1LinearizationType | 428C | Linearization type | R/W | Enum | 2048 | |
dv1CustomInputType | 428D | Custom input type | Custom linarization input type | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
dv1CustomSerialNumber | 428E | Sensor serial number | R/W | Unsigned | 2048 | |
dv1TablePointX1 | 4290 | X 1 | Polynomial coefficient | R/W | Float | 2048 |
dv1TablePointY1 | 42CC | Y 1 | Polynomial coefficient | R/W | Float | 2048 |
dv1SplineNumber | 4308 | Number of points | Number of active spline Y points | R/W | Unsigned | 2048 |
dv1SplineMin | 4309 | Min input limit | Minimum input limit for spline linearization | R/W | Float | 2048 |
dv1SplineMax | 430A | Max input limit | Maximum input limit for spline linearization | R/W | Float | 2048 |
dv1SplinePointY1 | 430B | Y 1 | Spline table Y point | R/W | Float | 2048 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |