Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
dv1SplinePointY37 432F Y 37 Spline table Y point R/W Float 2048
dv1SplinePointY38 4330 Y 38 Spline table Y point R/W Float 2048
dv1SplinePointY39 4331 Y 39 Spline table Y point R/W Float 2048
dv1SplinePointY40 4332 Y 40 Spline table Y point R/W Float 2048
SuggestedAction2 4642 Do the suggested to correct problems R Enum 4096
SuggestedAction3 4643 Do the suggested to correct problems R Enum 4096
SuggestedAction4 4644 Do the suggested to correct problems R Enum 4096
SuggestedAction5 4645 Do the suggested to correct problems R Enum 4096
SuggestedAction6 4646 Do the suggested to correct problems R Enum 4096
SuggestedAction7 4647 Do the suggested to correct problems R Enum 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class