Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
burst_mode_select 0FFF Burst mode Burst Mode Select- Selects the mode for the Burst Mode functionality. If Burst is enabled the Field Device will generate HART messages on the Link without individual requests from the Host. R/W Enum 128
device_flags 00A0 Dev flags Field Device Flags- Describes special features of the Field Device that affect the Data Link Layer R BitEnum 2048
device_profile 00FF Device Profile R Enum 2048
standardized_status_0 0104 Device Diagnostic Status 0 R BitEnum 131
standardized_status_1 0105 Device Diagnostic Status 1 R BitEnum 131
standardized_status_2 0106 I/O and Subdevice Status R BitEnum 131
standardized_status_3 0107 WirelessHART Status R BitEnum 131
lock_device_code 106F Lock dev code Lock Device Code- Indicates whether the device has been placed in a locked position to prevent any changes from being made manually or from another master. W Enum 2048
burst_message_trigger_mode 08D8 Burst Msg Trigger Mode R/W Enum 128
burst_message_trigger_mode_codes 08C5 R/W Enum 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class