Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
local_charac_curve_data_14 40A3 W Float 4096
local_charac_curve_data_15 40A4 W Float 4096
local_charac_curve_data_16 40A5 W Float 4096
local_charac_curve_data_17 40A6 W Float 4096
local_charac_curve_data_18 40A7 W Float 4096
local_charac_curve_data_19 40A8 W Float 4096
local_charac_curve_data_20 40A9 W Float 4096
local_charac_curve_data_21 40AA W Float 4096
valve_rotation_direction 4002 Valve Rotation Direction Defines which way the position sensor rotates to close the valve. Options for this parameter are: ·Clockwise ·Counterclockwise NOTE: If you change the value of this parameter, you must calibrate the device. R/W Enum 2048
DAC_direction 4022 Positioner Transmitter Directions Determines Position Transmitter output direction. R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class