Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
DLT_KF_starting_point 485F Start Position Starting position of the valve as given in parameters. R Float 2050
DLT_KF_ending_point 4860 End Position Ending position of the valve as given in parameters. R Float 2050
DLT_KF_testing_time 4861 Total Testing Time Total test time = Init Time + 2 * Ramp Time R Float 2050
DLT_KF_input_signal 4863 Setpoint at Error The value of the setpoint at the point at which Maximun Dynamic Error Band is measured. R Float 2050
DLT_KF_max_error 4862 Max. Dyn. Error The maximum difference in valve travel for any single setpoint value during the loop. The value is calculated by the device from the loop size minus 10% from the start and 10% from the end. R Float 2050
VDT_KF_starting_point 4864 Start Position Starting position of the valve as given in parameters. R Float 2050
VDT_KF_testing_time 4865 Testing Time The total time for the test. R Float 2050
VDT_KF_deadband 4866 Deadband The amount of change in the Setpoint value. This is used in detecting changes in the valve position. R Float 2050
VOAT_KF_starting_point 4867 Target Position Measurement point of hysteresis, a position at which the valve stops for static hystereis measurement. R Float 2050
VOAT_KF_stable_time 4868 Steady Time The time given to valve to reach the 0 % position. R Float 2050
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class