Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
local_VDT_time_between_steps 4A68 Step Wait Time The time to wait between successive 0.1% steps. The total test time can not be estimated. The absolute maximum is 40 * test_time. Valid values: Min. = 1.0s, max. = 20s Default = 5.0s. W Float 4096
local_VDT_init_time 4A67 Init Time The time given to valve to reach the starting point of the valve deadband test. Valid values: Min. = 0.0s, max. = 120s Default = 10.0s. W Float 4096
VOAT_measurement_point 4B45 Target Position Measurement point of hysteresis, a position at which the valve stops for static hystereis measurement. Valid values: Min. = 10.0%, max. = 90.0% Default = 50.0%. W Float 2048
VOAT_steady_time 4B46 Steady Time Used to store the steady time in the hysteresis position. This is also the amount of time in that the test is held in the 100% position before the descending ramp is started. Valid values: Min. = 1.0s, max. = 30.0s Default = 10.0s. W Float 2048
VOAT_ramp_time 4B47 Ramp Time Duration of ramp time. Total test time is then Init Time + 4 * Ramp Time + 2 * Steady Time. Valid values: Min. = 10.0s, max. = 500s Default = 100.0s. W Float 2048
VOAT_init_time 4B48 Init Time The time given to valve to reach the 0% position. Valid values: Min. = 0.0s, max. = 120.0s Default = 10.0s. W Float 2048
local_VOAT_measurement_point 49E6 Target Position Measurement point of hysteresis, a position at which the valve stops for static hystereis measurement. Valid values: Min. = 10.0%, max. = 90.0% Default = 50.0%. W Float 4096
local_VOAT_steady_time 49E7 Steady Time Used to store the steady time in the hysteresis position. This is also the amount of time in that the test is held in the 100% position before the descending ramp is started. Valid values: Min. = 1.0s, max. = 30.0s Default = 10.0s. W Float 4096
local_VOAT_ramp_time 49E9 Ramp Time Duration of ramp time. Total test time is then Init Time + 4 * Ramp Time + 2 * Steady Time. Valid values: Min. = 10.0s, max. = 500s Default = 100.0s. W Float 4096
local_VOAT_init_time 49E8 Init Time The time given to valve to reach the 0% position. Valid values: Min. = 0.0s, max. = 120.0s Default = 10.0s. W Float 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class