Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
dev_temperature_high_alimit | 401E | Temperature High Limit | Upper alarm limit for the device temperature. | R/W | Float | 2049 |
dev_temperature_latch_time | 401F | Temperature Latch Time | Time value in seconds for the temperature alarms. The measurement must remain out of the limits for the time period indicated by the latch time value. | R/W | Float | 2049 |
dev_valve_pos_low_alimit | 4803 | Valve Position Low Limit | Lower alarm limit for the valve position. | R/W | Float | 2049 |
dev_valve_pos_high_alimit | 4804 | Valve Position High Limit | Upper alarm limit for the valve position. | R/W | Float | 2049 |
dev_valve_pos_latch_time | 4805 | Valve Position Latch Time | Time value in seconds for the valve position alarms. The measurement must remain out of the limits for the time period indicated by the latch time value. | R/W | Float | 2049 |
VC_board_sno | 4035 | VC PCB Serial Number | VC board serial number in format 'YYWWNNNNBB' where ·YY = year ·WW = week ·NNNN = count ·BB = board number. | R/W | ASCII | 2048 |
HART_board_sno | 4036 | HART PCB Serial Number | HART board serial number in format 'YYWWNNNNBB' where ·YY = year ·WW = week ·NNNN = count ·BB = board number | R/W | ASCII | 2048 |
device_test_status | 4B2C | Device Test Status | Device test status. | R/W | Enum | 2052 |
diag_reset_select | 40AF | Reset Statistics | Determines which part of the diagnostics to reset. | W | Enum | 2049 |
device_sno | 4037 | Device Serial Number | Device serial number in format 'TTYYWWNNNN' where ·TT = positioner factory ·YY = year ·WW = week ·NNNN = count | R/W | ASCII | 2048 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |