Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
dev_temperature_high_alimit 401E Temperature High Limit Upper alarm limit for the device temperature. R/W Float 2049
dev_temperature_latch_time 401F Temperature Latch Time Time value in seconds for the temperature alarms. The measurement must remain out of the limits for the time period indicated by the latch time value. R/W Float 2049
dev_valve_pos_low_alimit 4803 Valve Position Low Limit Lower alarm limit for the valve position. R/W Float 2049
dev_valve_pos_high_alimit 4804 Valve Position High Limit Upper alarm limit for the valve position. R/W Float 2049
dev_valve_pos_latch_time 4805 Valve Position Latch Time Time value in seconds for the valve position alarms. The measurement must remain out of the limits for the time period indicated by the latch time value. R/W Float 2049
VC_board_sno 4035 VC PCB Serial Number VC board serial number in format 'YYWWNNNNBB' where ·YY = year ·WW = week ·NNNN = count ·BB = board number. R/W ASCII 2048
HART_board_sno 4036 HART PCB Serial Number HART board serial number in format 'YYWWNNNNBB' where ·YY = year ·WW = week ·NNNN = count ·BB = board number R/W ASCII 2048
device_test_status 4B2C Device Test Status Device test status. R/W Enum 2052
diag_reset_select 40AF Reset Statistics Determines which part of the diagnostics to reset. W Enum 2049
device_sno 4037 Device Serial Number Device serial number in format 'TTYYWWNNNN' where ·TT = positioner factory ·YY = year ·WW = week ·NNNN = count R/W ASCII 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class