Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
parameter_value_integer 4AE4 R/W Integer 4096
parameter_value_float 4AE5 R/W Float 4096
parameter_value_bytes 4D63 R/W ASCII 4096
dummy_byte 4AE6 R/W Integer 4096
performance_level 4005 Performance Level Parameter affecting to the tuning of the valve position control. R/W Enum 2048
valve_type 4000 Valve Acting Type The type of the valve used. Options for this parameter are: ·Rotary ·Linear ·NelesCVGlobe ·Linear with no compensation NOTE: If you change the value of this parameter, you must calibrate the device. R/W Enum 2048
actuator_type 4001 Actuator Type The type of the connected actuator. Options for this parameter are: ·Double acting ·Single acting NOTE: If you change the value of this parameter, you must calibrate the device. R/W Enum 2048
split_range_low 400E Split Range LOW Split Range configuration sets the input signal range for full valve travel range. Split Range Low is the lower limit of the input signal rate in percent. R/W Float 2048
split_range_high 400F Split Range HIGH Split Range configuration sets the input signal range for full valve travel range. Split Range High is the upper limit of the input signal rate in percent. R/W Float 2048
actuator_package_info 4AF2 Act. Package Info User defined parameter for actuator package information. R/W Unsigned 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class