Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
rtd_value | 4017 | RTD value | RTD value 25 .. 1000 Ohm | R/W | Float | 32 |
cable_resistance | 4018 | Cable R. | Two wire cable compensation 0.0 .. 60.0 Ohm | R/W | Float | 32 |
under_min_sensor_value | 401B | Under Lim | Input under LSL indication 3.50 .. 4.00 mA | R/W | Float | 64 |
over_max_sensor_value | 401C | Over Lim | Input over USL indication 20.00 .. 23.00 mA | R/W | Float | 64 |
sensor_error | 401D | Sens.Err | Sensor breakdown indication, upscale 20.00 .. 23.00 mA , downscale 3.50 .. 4.00 | R/W | Float | 64 |
min_value_messuret | 4014 | Datalogger function, stores min value measured. Value can be cleared (Reset min/max) | R/W | Float | 10 | |
max_value_messuret | 4015 | Datalogger function, stores max value measured. Value can be cleared (Reset min/max) | R/W | Float | 10 | |
sensor_trim_value | 4024 | Offs. | The offset added to the value measured | R/W | Float | 32 |
sensor_trim_reset | 4025 | Local variable. Do not change | R/W | Unsigned | 32 | |
sensor_offset_value | 4039 | S.off. | The offset added to the value measured | R/W | Float | 8 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |