Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
BrokenWireLevel 4033 Broken Wire Level The current input value to defined Broken wire condition, must be: >0 and R/W Float 8
cSmartRangeSelection 4000 Smart Range Selection User selects PV, input scaling, or custom linearization curve. R/W Enum 8
cNumberOfTrimmingPoints 4034 No. Trim Pts. Number of trimming points R/W Enum 8
cInputTrimming 4035 Input Trimming Enable / Disable Sensor input trimming R/W Enum 8
rScalingUpperValue 4036 Sensor URV Scaled to Scaling upper range value (-99998 to 99999) R/W Float 8
rScalingLowerValue 4037 Sensor LRV Scaled to Scaling lower range value (-99999 to 99998) R/W Float 8
Scaling_UOM 4038 Scaling EGU Scaling user select EGU R/W Enum 8
CustomcurveUpperValue 4005 Custom Curve/Scaled upper range value R/W Float 8
CustomcurveLowerValue 4003 Custom Curve/Scaled lower range value R/W Float 8
Customcurve_UOM 4039 CC EGU Custom Curve user selected EGU R/W Enum 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class